Region Development…
The Assistant Regional Commissioner (Development) is a key role which has responsibility for ensuring that the Scouting is developed in the Region and that Districts and Groups within the Region are supported in moving forward their own development plans.
In the West Region we have two ARC (Development) posts covering the North of the Region (Argyll and Dunbartonshire) and the South of the Region (Greenock and District, Paisley and District, and Renfrewshire). The North area ARC (Development) is David McCallum and South is covered by Iain Kent.
Development (North)
Growth and development are a major part of the strategic plan and to that end much development has taken place and is currently underway in the two Districts in the North area.
Argyll District: In November 2014 the District Group Scout Leaders and others gathered together for the first time in several years at Inveraray where a Region-led development day took place. The end result of the event was the appointment of a new look District team, headed by two District Commissioners, one North Argyll and the other South. Three Deputy DC’s and a District Explorer Scout Commissioner. One of the DDC’s is under 25 years of age. This fresh new look has inspired Argyll Scouting with two new meeting places being planned at Campbeltown and Mull. There has also been a general enthusiasm for leader training as well as a healthy growth in Explorers and outdoor activity taking place the length and breadth of the District.
Dunbartonshire District: Dunbartonshire is a well established, well led and managed District which has a full balanced programme and participates in all events national and international. Development in this District has been focussed over the past few months on the establishment of a group catering for additional support needs. The group, due to open in October 2015 will meet during term time at Kilpatrick School, Clydebank, only a stone’s throw from the Erskine Bridge. The setting up of the group has taken many months of meetings with the school, District, Region and of course the young people whom the group will serve. The leadership team is being recruited from existing leaders from within the District and will be made up of a good mix of students, part time workers and retired leaders who are willing to give up 90 minutes each Friday afternoon. This development is a real partnership working model and is a prime example of the diversity of the Scouting movement.
Development (South)
At present Iain is working on the Regional Development Plan which will set the goals and plans for the Region over the next few years. This will not be developed in isolation as it will dovetail with the respective District Plans.
The Development Plan will also set out some objectives as to how West Region seeks to achieve the goals of the National Scouting 2018 Vision, however these will be specific to local needs.
One simple area where Development can assist is to provide advice and support in applying for a grant for the Scottish Development Fund. The money is used to develop Scouting at a Group or District level. There have be a number is successful grant applications in West Region in the last year from developing a wild camping site to using Social Media to support District Communication and Recruitment. If you need any advice or support please contact the ARC (Development).
There have also been some District Development days which facilitate the production of the local development plan and these have proven very successful.
As the Regional Development plan is finalised, further information will be published and Iain looks forward to working in partnership to make Scouting in West Region better tomorrow than it is today.
David McCallum & Iain Kent can be contacted on: [email protected].