Media Centre

The Lead Volunteer for Communications in West Region is Stuart Wilson.

The LV Comms is a key role which has responsibility for ensuring that Scouting in the Region is appropriately promoted using various media channels, and that communication tools are used effectively to make and keep in contact with both internal and external audiences.

Groups are encouraged to make use of local media contacts for positive and proactive news stories. Each District also has a Media Development Manager who co-ordinates communications in that area. This can include websites, social media accounts and working with local media contacts. The first point of call for Groups seeking publicity should be the MDM.

The LV Comms is available to give advice on any aspect of your communications mix and also assist on national press stories, so please keep them informed of your group’s achievements in case we need some case studies when journalists contact us.

West Region Scouts can be followed on various social media channels:

Facebook: West Region Scouts
Instagram: @ScoutsWest

Stuart Wilson can be contacted on [email protected]

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